Storage Almost Full – time for a fall cleanup

It’s that time of the year. The summer has left us with lots of wonderful memories, 10 extra pounds, and messages on our phones saying “Storage Almost Full” and “Cannot Take Photo”. The team at Really Bad Apps hates the dreaded messages just as much as you do, that’s why we created PhotoStaxx. We wanted an app that allows you to organize your images by swiping them into order.

Storage Almost Full

After downloading the app, you will be presented with your photo albums as Stacks. Select a Stack and start swiping. To keep the photo in the album, swipe right. Swipe left to put it in the trash. Once you are ready to delete your photos, you simply do so on the trash screen. If you find a photo that does not belong in the album, swipe it up and you will be able to send it to a new Stack.


What photos should I delete?

This is the first thing that you should ask yourself before starting to delete photos as soon as the “Storage Almost Full” message shows up. There is nothing worse than looking for that one photo from the vacation and realizing that it was deleted. Make sure that you have a general idea of what you want to keep or not, before solving your storage issue.


We’ve all been there, at the top of a mountain or on an empty beach, pretended to be professional photographers. Be honest, will you ever look at the photo again or is it just going to make your storage almost full? If you think you’ll look at it again, swipe right to keep it. If not, swipe left to trash it, and let it go for a nice clean photo album.

beach landscape

Family portraits

When it comes to this category, you’d rather be safe than sorry. You never know when you’ll be able to see your beloved family again. Keeping those cheesy group photos despite having the storage almost full, is the price you will have to pay to remember the family when you miss them after summer.


No need to be ashamed, you are not the only one with their storage almost full of selfies. A lot of selfies should go straight to the trash bin. Keep the selfie if you look more awesome than ever, or if it reminds you of a special occasion. And, don’t be surprised if some of the selfies turn out to be summer favorites!

Girl takes a selfie


Is your storage almost full because of meaningless screenshots? We feel your pain. Most of the screenshots can be deleted, they were only used for saving information that was useful at a certain point in time. But, think twice before deleting the funny ones sent to or from your friends, because it will put a smile on your face again someday.


Goodbye to the «Storage Almost Full» warning

Take this opportunity to organize your photo album, remember the summer, and find your absolute favorite photos with PhotoStaxx. Download it from the App Store and start swiping. Once you are done for the day, go to statistics and find out how much space you have recovered. Goodbye to the “Storage Almost Full” warning and hello to taking great photos!

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