PhotoStaxx update version 1.0.1 is released!

We are excited to announce that PhotoStaxx update version 1.0.1 is out and available on the App Store! PhotoStaxx is much more powerful as well as more intuitive. It now has a four-direction swipe gesture. So you can keep, favorite, delete, or remove media from a stack, without needing to adjust the app’s settings. In fact, this simplified the app so much we’ve removed settings! The swipe gesture now works in full-screen mode. And you have the ability to share your media from within the app. Videos are now playable from the stack in full-screen mode.

We knew that the original version was a bit hard to understand from a cold install, but it was the MVP (minimal viable product) after all. With this PhotoStaxx update, we knew we had to help our users understand how the swipe gesture works from the get-go. So we included an informative first-run tutorial, so you all know what to do! We also knew that the best way to learn an app is to use it. So we created informative visual feedback in the app, so you know what swipe direction does what, while you are doing it! The statistics section is now easier to access. Last but not least, we made several bug fixes and improvements.

We hope you enjoy the PhotoStaxx experience. If you find any issues, please let us know. We are always working to improve it.


Upgrade now, or if you have not already, give PhotoStaxx a try!

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